User Interface for Battle Fortress Tortoise
Includes overlay for the command view.

Chicken Squisher characters for Flash based social game.

Battle Fortress Tortoise props

Textured environmental assets for UDK based game. 
Models created by Alek Castelain

Low Poly foliage and ground textures created for the painterly style of Battle Fortress Tortoise.

Zargeth the Mind Flayer

3D model created with Maya and ZBrush. Rendered in Maya.


Betty sculpt and texture created with Zbrush.

Battle Fortress Tortoise wood textures

Battle Fortress Tortoise environment textures.  Items modeled by the art team.

Apocalypse Valley

Apocalypse Valley
User Interface created for flash based game.
Environment and character assets created in Maya, edited with Photoshop and brought into Flash.

Shary Reeves                                                                             

Strong Fine Arts background: Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Color Theory
Art Programs & Software : Zbrush, Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Flash
Squish Labs, LLC                                                                                            August 2012-Present
Chicken Squisher – 2D Artist
            Created hundreds of Flash assets for clothing and props
            Animated and integrated characters into Flash
            Worked with a small team to develop logos and marketing images.
Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy                            August 2011-December 2012
Battle Fortress Tortoise - Modeler/Texture Artist
Hand painted textures for environmental art assets based on developed art style.
Developed low poly foliage assets while maintaining painterly style
Created landscape textures and painted terrain within UDK game engine.
Worked with designers to create Flash based user interface

Apocalypse Valley - Lead Artist
Worked with team to develop art style
Developed pipeline to bring rendered 3d Maya assets into Flash
Modeled and textured environmental assets in Maya and then brought the rendered assets to Photoshop to add additional polish
Built UI within Flash to follow a social gaming model
Created assets and animated characters and rendered in orthographic view.

Rapid Prototype Development
Worked in two week sprints with groups to develop game prototypes
Created assets for IOS and XNA using sprite sheets

Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy                                            December 2012
University of Central Florida
Masters of Science in Interactive Entertainment
University of North Florida                                                                            December 2009
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Minor in Studio Art